Saving and Restoring Snapshots
The Luzid snapshot
API allows you to save snapshots, restore and delete them. It also
supports grouping multiple snapshots to perform operations on them in batch.
Here we go through all methods to manage snapshots first and provide a full example leveraging all of them at the bottom of this doc.
Save Account Snapshot
In the below we create a snapshot with the following properties:
- name:
'Luzid Snapshot Example'
- description:
'Snapshotting the account we just cloned'
We include the following accounts:
(an array of account addresses)
Finally we add the snapshot to the'example:snapshot'
import { LuzidSdk } from '@luzid/sdk'
const luzid = new LuzidSdk()
const res = await luzid.snapshot.createSnapshot(
'Luzid Snapshot Example',
group: 'example:snapshot',
description: 'Snapshotting the account we just cloned'
console.log('\nCreated snapshot', res)
const snapshotId = res.snapshotId
Listing Snapshots
We can then obtain a list of snapshots we saved as follows:
const snapshots = await luzid.snapshot.listSnapshots()
console.log('\nSnapshots:', snapshots)
Getting List of snapshotable Accounts
In order to get the addresses of all accounts we can snapshot we can use the following method:
const accounts = await luzid.snapshot.getSnaphotableAccounts({ includeProgramAccounts: true })
console.log('\nAccounts we can snapshot:', accounts)
the result includes information about each account like pubkey, modified slot and balance.
Restoring a Snapshot
In order to restore accounts from a snapshot we provide the snapshotId
and the addresses of
the accounts we want to restore.
const res = await luzid.snapshot.restoreAccountsFromSnapshot(snapshotId, {
accounts: [accAddr]
Deleting Snapshots
We can delete one specific snapshot by providing its snapshotId
const deletedSnapshotId = await luzid.snapshot.deleteSnapshot(snapshotId)
Alternatively we can delete all snapshots in a group:
const deletedSnasphotIds = await deleteSnapshotsMatching({ group: 'example:snapshot' })
Full Example
The below lists snapshotable accounts, saves and restores a snapshot and finally deletes it.
Full Example
See the Pen Luzid: Snapshots by Thorsten Lorenz (@thlorenz) on CodePen.