

_app?: AppClient
_mutator?: MutatorClient
_rpc?: RpcClient
_snapshot?: SnapshotClient
_store?: StoreClient
_transaction?: TransactionClient
_validator?: ValidatorClient
channel: Channel


  • get app(): AppClient
  • Provides access to the Luzid App service with the following methods:

    • appOps: Controls the Luzid App, i.e to shut it down.

    Returns AppClient

  • get mutator(): MutatorClient
  • Provides access to the Luzid Mutator service with the following methods:

    • cloneAccount: Clones an account.

    Returns MutatorClient

  • get rpc(): RpcClient
  • Provides access to the Luzid RPC service with the following methods:

    • getAccountInfo: Returns the info for an account.
    • requestAirdrop: Requests to drop SOL to an account.

    Returns RpcClient

  • get snapshot(): SnapshotClient
  • Provides access to the Luzid Snapshot service with the following methods:

    • getSnaphotableAccounts: Returns a list of accounts that can be snapshotted.
    • listSnapshots: Returns a list of snapshots created previously.
    • retrieveAccountsInSnapshot: Returns a list of accounts in a snapshot.
    • restoreAccountsFromSnapshot: Restores specific accounts from a snapshot.

    Returns SnapshotClient

  • get store(): StoreClient
  • Provides access to the Luzid Store service with the following methods:

    • getAccountData: Returns the data for an account.
    • getDiffedAccountUpdate: Returns the diffed account update for an account related to a transaction.

    Returns StoreClient

  • get transaction(): TransactionClient
  • Provides access to the Luzid Transaction service with the following methods:

    • labelTransaction: Labels a transaction

    Returns TransactionClient

  • get validator(): ValidatorClient
  • Provides access to the Luzid Validator service with the following methods:

    • validatorOps: Allows to Start/Stop/Restart the validator.

    Returns ValidatorClient

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