

client: LuzidGrpcClient


  • Retrieves the current validator info or the earliest available.


    • opts: {
          emitCurrent: undefined | boolean;
      } = {}
      • emitCurrent: undefined | boolean

        Whether to emit the current value.

    Returns Promise<ValidatorInfo>

  • Retrieves the current validator stats or the earliest available. This is emitted per slot.


    • opts: {
          emitCurrent: undefined | boolean;
      } = {}
      • emitCurrent: undefined | boolean

        Whether to emit the current value.

    Returns Promise<ValidatorStats>

  • Retrieves the current validator status or the earliest available. This is emitted once per validator start or stop.


    • opts: {
          emitCurrent: undefined | boolean;
      } = {}
      • emitCurrent: undefined | boolean

        Whether to emit the current value.

    Returns Promise<ValidatorStatus>

  • Private

    Restarts the validator.

    Returns Promise<Successful<ValidatorOpsResponse>>

  • Private

    Starts the validator.

    Returns Promise<Successful<ValidatorOpsResponse>>

  • Private

    Stops the validator.

    Returns Promise<Successful<ValidatorOpsResponse>>

  • Parameters

    • __namedParameters: {
          emitCurrent: undefined | boolean;
      } = {}
      • emitCurrent: undefined | boolean

    Returns AsyncIterable<ValidatorInfo>

  • Subscribes to validator stats updates. This is emitted per slot.


    • opts: {
          emitCurrent: undefined | boolean;
      } = {}
      • emitCurrent: undefined | boolean

        Whether to emit the current value.

    Returns AsyncIterable<ValidatorStats>

  • Subscribes to validator status updates. This usually is emitted once per validator start or stop.


    • opts: {
          emitCurrent: undefined | boolean;
      } = {}
      • emitCurrent: undefined | boolean

        Whether to emit the current value.

    Returns AsyncIterable<ValidatorStatus>

  • Private

    Performs an operation on the validator.


    • op: ValidatorOperation

      The operation to perform (start|stop|restart)

    Returns Promise<Successful<ValidatorOpsResponse>>

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