

client: LuzidGrpcClient


  • Adds workspace to the list of workspaces that are available to be cloned or watched from the Workspace tab in the Luzid UI. This list persists across restarts of Luzid.


    • workspaceRoot: string

      the root of the workspace.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Clones the workspace at the given root returns.

    const luzid = new LuzidApi()
    const signatures = await luzid.workspace.cloneWorkspace('/path/to/workspace/foo', {
    'solx': 'SoLXmnP9JvL6vJ7TN1VqtTxqsc2izmPfF9CsMDEuRzJ'


    • workspaceRoot: string
    • programIds: Record<string, string> = {}

      allows to provide or override the programId for a given program

    Returns Promise<string[]>

    the signatures of the transactions that were used to perform the cloning and program upgrade

  • Gets information about the workspace at the given root, namely the following properties of each program in the workspace:

    • package: name of the rust package name as defined in the Cargo.toml, i.e foo
    • deployablePath: the path to which the program deployable is saved, i.e target/deploy/foo
    • programId?: the address of the program if it was found, i.e. via decclare_id!(..)
    • idlPath?: the path to the IDL file if it was found, i.e target/idl/foo.json


    • workspaceRoot: string

      the root of the workspace.

    Returns Promise<Workspace>

    the workspace information

  • Returns the list of workspaces that are available to be cloned or watched from the Workspace tab in the Luzid UI.

    Returns Promise<string[]>

  • Removes workspace from the list of workspaces that are available to be cloned or watched from the Workspace tab in the Luzid UI. This list persists across restarts of Luzid.


    • workspaceRoot: string

      the root of the workspace.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Stops watching the workspace at the given root.

    const luzid = new LuzidApi()
    const signatures = await luzid.workspace.unwatchWorkspace('/path/to/workspace/foo')


    • workspaceRoot: string

      the root of the workspace.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Watches the workspace at the given root after cloning it into the validator.

    const luzid = new LuzidApi()
    const signatures = await luzid.workspace.watchWorkspace('/path/to/workspace/foo')


    • workspaceRoot: string

      the root of the workspace.

    • programIds: Record<string, string> = {}

      allows to provide or override the programId for a given program

    Returns Promise<string[]>

    the signatures of the transactions that were used to perform the cloning and program upgrade

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