StoreGetDiffedAccountUpdateResponse: {
    create(base?): StoreGetDiffedAccountUpdateResponse;
    decode(input, length?): StoreGetDiffedAccountUpdateResponse;
    encode(message, writer?): Writer;
    fromJSON(object): StoreGetDiffedAccountUpdateResponse;
    fromPartial(object): StoreGetDiffedAccountUpdateResponse;
    toJSON(message): unknown;

Type declaration

  • create:function
    • Parameters

      • Optional base: {
            accountUpdate?: {
                after?: {
                    data?: Uint8Array;
                    executable?: boolean;
                    lamports?: bigint;
                    owner?: string;
                    rentEpoch?: string;
                afterAccountType?: string;
                afterJson?: string;
                before?: {
                    data?: Uint8Array;
                    executable?: boolean;
                    lamports?: bigint;
                    owner?: string;
                    rentEpoch?: string;
                beforeAccountType?: string;
                beforeJson?: string;
                diff?: {
                    dataBytes?: {
                        after?: {
                            bool?: boolean;
                            bytes?: Uint8Array;
                            string?: string;
                            uint32?: number;
                            uint64?: bigint;
                        before?: {
                            bool?: boolean;
                            bytes?: Uint8Array;
                            string?: string;
                            uint32?: number;
                            uint64?: bigint;
                        kind?: ComparedKind;
                    executable?: {
                        after?: {
                            bool?: boolean;
                            bytes?: Uint8Array;
                            string?: string;
                            uint32?: number;
                            uint64?: bigint;
                        before?: {
                            bool?: boolean;
                            bytes?: Uint8Array;
                            string?: string;
                            uint32?: number;
                            uint64?: bigint;
                        kind?: ComparedKind;
                    lamports?: {
                        after?: {
                            bool?: boolean;
                            bytes?: Uint8Array;
                            string?: string;
                            uint32?: number;
                            uint64?: bigint;
                        before?: {
                            bool?: boolean;
                            bytes?: Uint8Array;
                            string?: string;
                            uint32?: number;
                            uint64?: bigint;
                        kind?: ComparedKind;
                    owner?: {
                        after?: {
                            bool?: boolean;
                            bytes?: Uint8Array;
                            string?: string;
                            uint32?: number;
                            uint64?: bigint;
                        before?: {
                            bool?: boolean;
                            bytes?: Uint8Array;
                            string?: string;
                            uint32?: number;
                            uint64?: bigint;
                        kind?: ComparedKind;
                    rentEpoch?: {
                        after?: {
                            bool?: boolean;
                            bytes?: Uint8Array;
                            string?: string;
                            uint32?: number;
                            uint64?: bigint;
                        before?: {
                            bool?: boolean;
                            bytes?: Uint8Array;
                            string?: string;
                            uint32?: number;
                            uint64?: bigint;
                        kind?: ComparedKind;
                pubkey?: string;
                slot?: bigint;
                txnSignature?: string;
                writeVersion?: bigint;
            error?: string;
        • Optional accountUpdate?: {
              after?: {
                  data?: Uint8Array;
                  executable?: boolean;
                  lamports?: bigint;
                  owner?: string;
                  rentEpoch?: string;
              afterAccountType?: string;
              afterJson?: string;
              before?: {
                  data?: Uint8Array;
                  executable?: boolean;
                  lamports?: bigint;
                  owner?: string;
                  rentEpoch?: string;
              beforeAccountType?: string;
              beforeJson?: string;
              diff?: {
                  dataBytes?: {
                      after?: {
                          bool?: boolean;
                          bytes?: Uint8Array;
                          string?: string;
                          uint32?: number;
                          uint64?: bigint;
                      before?: {
                          bool?: boolean;
                          bytes?: Uint8Array;
                          string?: string;
                          uint32?: number;
                          uint64?: bigint;
                      kind?: ComparedKind;
                  executable?: {
                      after?: {
                          bool?: boolean;
                          bytes?: Uint8Array;
                          string?: string;
                          uint32?: number;
                          uint64?: bigint;
                      before?: {
                          bool?: boolean;
                          bytes?: Uint8Array;
                          string?: string;
                          uint32?: number;
                          uint64?: bigint;
                      kind?: ComparedKind;
                  lamports?: {
                      after?: {
                          bool?: boolean;
                          bytes?: Uint8Array;
                          string?: string;
                          uint32?: number;
                          uint64?: bigint;
                      before?: {
                          bool?: boolean;
                          bytes?: Uint8Array;
                          string?: string;
                          uint32?: number;
                          uint64?: bigint;
                      kind?: ComparedKind;
                  owner?: {
                      after?: {
                          bool?: boolean;
                          bytes?: Uint8Array;
                          string?: string;
                          uint32?: number;
                          uint64?: bigint;
                      before?: {
                          bool?: boolean;
                          bytes?: Uint8Array;
                          string?: string;
                          uint32?: number;
                          uint64?: bigint;
                      kind?: ComparedKind;
                  rentEpoch?: {
                      after?: {
                          bool?: boolean;
                          bytes?: Uint8Array;
                          string?: string;
                          uint32?: number;
                          uint64?: bigint;
                      before?: {
                          bool?: boolean;
                          bytes?: Uint8Array;
                          string?: string;
                          uint32?: number;
                          uint64?: bigint;
                      kind?: ComparedKind;
              pubkey?: string;
              slot?: bigint;
              txnSignature?: string;
              writeVersion?: bigint;
          • Optional after?: {
                data?: Uint8Array;
                executable?: boolean;
                lamports?: bigint;
                owner?: string;
                rentEpoch?: string;

            The account after the transaction

            • Optional data?: Uint8Array
            • Optional executable?: boolean
            • Optional lamports?: bigint
            • Optional owner?: string
            • Optional rentEpoch?: string

              We tried to send this as uint64, but for all rent excempt accounts we end up with -1 since proto doesn't really support uint64.

          • Optional afterAccountType?: string

            The account type after the transaction. Only present if we were able to parse the account data.

          • Optional afterJson?: string

            The parsed representation of the account data after the transaction encoded into a JSON string. Only present if we were able to parse the account data

          • Optional before?: {
                data?: Uint8Array;
                executable?: boolean;
                lamports?: bigint;
                owner?: string;
                rentEpoch?: string;

            The account before the transaction, only present if the account existed before the transaction.

            • Optional data?: Uint8Array
            • Optional executable?: boolean
            • Optional lamports?: bigint
            • Optional owner?: string
            • Optional rentEpoch?: string

              We tried to send this as uint64, but for all rent excempt accounts we end up with -1 since proto doesn't really support uint64.

          • Optional beforeAccountType?: string

            The account type before the transaction. Only present if the account existed before the transaction and we were able to parse the account data.

          • Optional beforeJson?: string

            The parsed representation of the account data before the transaction encoded into a JSON string. Only present if the account existed before the transaction and we were able to parse the account data.

          • Optional diff?: {
                dataBytes?: {
                    after?: {
                        bool?: boolean;
                        bytes?: Uint8Array;
                        string?: string;
                        uint32?: number;
                        uint64?: bigint;
                    before?: {
                        bool?: boolean;
                        bytes?: Uint8Array;
                        string?: string;
                        uint32?: number;
                        uint64?: bigint;
                    kind?: ComparedKind;
                executable?: {
                    after?: {
                        bool?: boolean;
                        bytes?: Uint8Array;
                        string?: string;
                        uint32?: number;
                        uint64?: bigint;
                    before?: {
                        bool?: boolean;
                        bytes?: Uint8Array;
                        string?: string;
                        uint32?: number;
                        uint64?: bigint;
                    kind?: ComparedKind;
                lamports?: {
                    after?: {
                        bool?: boolean;
                        bytes?: Uint8Array;
                        string?: string;
                        uint32?: number;
                        uint64?: bigint;
                    before?: {
                        bool?: boolean;
                        bytes?: Uint8Array;
                        string?: string;
                        uint32?: number;
                        uint64?: bigint;
                    kind?: ComparedKind;
                owner?: {
                    after?: {
                        bool?: boolean;
                        bytes?: Uint8Array;
                        string?: string;
                        uint32?: number;
                        uint64?: bigint;
                    before?: {
                        bool?: boolean;
                        bytes?: Uint8Array;
                        string?: string;
                        uint32?: number;
                        uint64?: bigint;
                    kind?: ComparedKind;
                rentEpoch?: {
                    after?: {
                        bool?: boolean;
                        bytes?: Uint8Array;
                        string?: string;
                        uint32?: number;
                        uint64?: bigint;
                    before?: {
                        bool?: boolean;
                        bytes?: Uint8Array;
                        string?: string;
                        uint32?: number;
                        uint64?: bigint;
                    kind?: ComparedKind;

            The account diff, only present if the account existed before the transaction

            • Optional dataBytes?: {
                  after?: {
                      bool?: boolean;
                      bytes?: Uint8Array;
                      string?: string;
                      uint32?: number;
                      uint64?: bigint;
                  before?: {
                      bool?: boolean;
                      bytes?: Uint8Array;
                      string?: string;
                      uint32?: number;
                      uint64?: bigint;
                  kind?: ComparedKind;

              Diff of the data bytes held in this account.

            • Optional executable?: {
                  after?: {
                      bool?: boolean;
                      bytes?: Uint8Array;
                      string?: string;
                      uint32?: number;
                      uint64?: bigint;
                  before?: {
                      bool?: boolean;
                      bytes?: Uint8Array;
                      string?: string;
                      uint32?: number;
                      uint64?: bigint;
                  kind?: ComparedKind;

              This account's data contains a loaded program.

              • Optional after?: {
                    bool?: boolean;
                    bytes?: Uint8Array;
                    string?: string;
                    uint32?: number;
                    uint64?: bigint;
                • Optional bool?: boolean
                • Optional bytes?: Uint8Array
                • Optional string?: string
                • Optional uint32?: number
                • Optional uint64?: bigint
              • Optional before?: {
                    bool?: boolean;
                    bytes?: Uint8Array;
                    string?: string;
                    uint32?: number;
                    uint64?: bigint;
                • Optional bool?: boolean
                • Optional bytes?: Uint8Array
                • Optional string?: string
                • Optional uint32?: number
                • Optional uint64?: bigint
              • Optional kind?: ComparedKind
            • Optional lamports?: {
                  after?: {
                      bool?: boolean;
                      bytes?: Uint8Array;
                      string?: string;
                      uint32?: number;
                      uint64?: bigint;
                  before?: {
                      bool?: boolean;
                      bytes?: Uint8Array;
                      string?: string;
                      uint32?: number;
                      uint64?: bigint;
                  kind?: ComparedKind;

              Diff of the lamports held by the account.

              • Optional after?: {
                    bool?: boolean;
                    bytes?: Uint8Array;
                    string?: string;
                    uint32?: number;
                    uint64?: bigint;
                • Optional bool?: boolean
                • Optional bytes?: Uint8Array
                • Optional string?: string
                • Optional uint32?: number
                • Optional uint64?: bigint
              • Optional before?: {
                    bool?: boolean;
                    bytes?: Uint8Array;
                    string?: string;
                    uint32?: number;
                    uint64?: bigint;
                • Optional bool?: boolean
                • Optional bytes?: Uint8Array
                • Optional string?: string
                • Optional uint32?: number
                • Optional uint64?: bigint
              • Optional kind?: ComparedKind
            • Optional owner?: {
                  after?: {
                      bool?: boolean;
                      bytes?: Uint8Array;
                      string?: string;
                      uint32?: number;
                      uint64?: bigint;
                  before?: {
                      bool?: boolean;
                      bytes?: Uint8Array;
                      string?: string;
                      uint32?: number;
                      uint64?: bigint;
                  kind?: ComparedKind;

              Diff of the Pubkey of the owner program account.

              • Optional after?: {
                    bool?: boolean;
                    bytes?: Uint8Array;
                    string?: string;
                    uint32?: number;
                    uint64?: bigint;
                • Optional bool?: boolean
                • Optional bytes?: Uint8Array
                • Optional string?: string
                • Optional uint32?: number
                • Optional uint64?: bigint
              • Optional before?: {
                    bool?: boolean;
                    bytes?: Uint8Array;
                    string?: string;
                    uint32?: number;
                    uint64?: bigint;
                • Optional bool?: boolean
                • Optional bytes?: Uint8Array
                • Optional string?: string
                • Optional uint32?: number
                • Optional uint64?: bigint
              • Optional kind?: ComparedKind
            • Optional rentEpoch?: {
                  after?: {
                      bool?: boolean;
                      bytes?: Uint8Array;
                      string?: string;
                      uint32?: number;
                      uint64?: bigint;
                  before?: {
                      bool?: boolean;
                      bytes?: Uint8Array;
                      string?: string;
                      uint32?: number;
                      uint64?: bigint;
                  kind?: ComparedKind;

              Diff of the epoch at which this account will next owe rent.

              • Optional after?: {
                    bool?: boolean;
                    bytes?: Uint8Array;
                    string?: string;
                    uint32?: number;
                    uint64?: bigint;
                • Optional bool?: boolean
                • Optional bytes?: Uint8Array
                • Optional string?: string
                • Optional uint32?: number
                • Optional uint64?: bigint
              • Optional before?: {
                    bool?: boolean;
                    bytes?: Uint8Array;
                    string?: string;
                    uint32?: number;
                    uint64?: bigint;
                • Optional bool?: boolean
                • Optional bytes?: Uint8Array
                • Optional string?: string
                • Optional uint32?: number
                • Optional uint64?: bigint
              • Optional kind?: ComparedKind
          • Optional pubkey?: string

            The Pubkey for the account.

          • Optional slot?: bigint

            The slot number when this update was emitted.

          • Optional txnSignature?: string

            First signature of the transaction that caused this account modification

          • Optional writeVersion?: bigint

            A global monotonically increasing atomic number, which can be used to tell the order of the account update. For example, when an account is updated in the same slot multiple times, the update with higher write_version should supersede the one with lower write_version.

        • Optional error?: string

      Returns StoreGetDiffedAccountUpdateResponse

  • decode:function
  • encode:function
    • Parameters

      Returns Writer

  • fromJSON:function
  • fromPartial:function
    • Parameters

      • object: {
            accountUpdate?: {
                after?: {
                    data?: Uint8Array;
                    executable?: boolean;
                    lamports?: bigint;
                    owner?: string;
                    rentEpoch?: string;
                afterAccountType?: string;
                afterJson?: string;
                before?: {
                    data?: Uint8Array;
                    executable?: boolean;
                    lamports?: bigint;
                    owner?: string;
                    rentEpoch?: string;
                beforeAccountType?: string;
                beforeJson?: string;
                diff?: {
                    dataBytes?: {
                        after?: {
                            bool?: boolean;
                            bytes?: Uint8Array;
                            string?: string;
                            uint32?: number;
                            uint64?: bigint;
                        before?: {
                            bool?: boolean;
                            bytes?: Uint8Array;
                            string?: string;
                            uint32?: number;
                            uint64?: bigint;
                        kind?: ComparedKind;
                    executable?: {
                        after?: {
                            bool?: boolean;
                            bytes?: Uint8Array;
                            string?: string;
                            uint32?: number;
                            uint64?: bigint;
                        before?: {
                            bool?: boolean;
                            bytes?: Uint8Array;
                            string?: string;
                            uint32?: number;
                            uint64?: bigint;
                        kind?: ComparedKind;
                    lamports?: {
                        after?: {
                            bool?: boolean;
                            bytes?: Uint8Array;
                            string?: string;
                            uint32?: number;
                            uint64?: bigint;
                        before?: {
                            bool?: boolean;
                            bytes?: Uint8Array;
                            string?: string;
                            uint32?: number;
                            uint64?: bigint;
                        kind?: ComparedKind;
                    owner?: {
                        after?: {
                            bool?: boolean;
                            bytes?: Uint8Array;
                            string?: string;
                            uint32?: number;
                            uint64?: bigint;
                        before?: {
                            bool?: boolean;
                            bytes?: Uint8Array;
                            string?: string;
                            uint32?: number;
                            uint64?: bigint;
                        kind?: ComparedKind;
                    rentEpoch?: {
                        after?: {
                            bool?: boolean;
                            bytes?: Uint8Array;
                            string?: string;
                            uint32?: number;
                            uint64?: bigint;
                        before?: {
                            bool?: boolean;
                            bytes?: Uint8Array;
                            string?: string;
                            uint32?: number;
                            uint64?: bigint;
                        kind?: ComparedKind;
                pubkey?: string;
                slot?: bigint;
                txnSignature?: string;
                writeVersion?: bigint;
            error?: string;
        • Optional accountUpdate?: {
              after?: {
                  data?: Uint8Array;
                  executable?: boolean;
                  lamports?: bigint;
                  owner?: string;
                  rentEpoch?: string;
              afterAccountType?: string;
              afterJson?: string;
              before?: {
                  data?: Uint8Array;
                  executable?: boolean;
                  lamports?: bigint;
                  owner?: string;
                  rentEpoch?: string;
              beforeAccountType?: string;
              beforeJson?: string;
              diff?: {
                  dataBytes?: {
                      after?: {
                          bool?: boolean;
                          bytes?: Uint8Array;
                          string?: string;
                          uint32?: number;
                          uint64?: bigint;
                      before?: {
                          bool?: boolean;
                          bytes?: Uint8Array;
                          string?: string;
                          uint32?: number;
                          uint64?: bigint;
                      kind?: ComparedKind;
                  executable?: {
                      after?: {
                          bool?: boolean;
                          bytes?: Uint8Array;
                          string?: string;
                          uint32?: number;
                          uint64?: bigint;
                      before?: {
                          bool?: boolean;
                          bytes?: Uint8Array;
                          string?: string;
                          uint32?: number;
                          uint64?: bigint;
                      kind?: ComparedKind;
                  lamports?: {
                      after?: {
                          bool?: boolean;
                          bytes?: Uint8Array;
                          string?: string;
                          uint32?: number;
                          uint64?: bigint;
                      before?: {
                          bool?: boolean;
                          bytes?: Uint8Array;
                          string?: string;
                          uint32?: number;
                          uint64?: bigint;
                      kind?: ComparedKind;
                  owner?: {
                      after?: {
                          bool?: boolean;
                          bytes?: Uint8Array;
                          string?: string;
                          uint32?: number;
                          uint64?: bigint;
                      before?: {
                          bool?: boolean;
                          bytes?: Uint8Array;
                          string?: string;
                          uint32?: number;
                          uint64?: bigint;
                      kind?: ComparedKind;
                  rentEpoch?: {
                      after?: {
                          bool?: boolean;
                          bytes?: Uint8Array;
                          string?: string;
                          uint32?: number;
                          uint64?: bigint;
                      before?: {
                          bool?: boolean;
                          bytes?: Uint8Array;
                          string?: string;
                          uint32?: number;
                          uint64?: bigint;
                      kind?: ComparedKind;
              pubkey?: string;
              slot?: bigint;
              txnSignature?: string;
              writeVersion?: bigint;
          • Optional after?: {
                data?: Uint8Array;
                executable?: boolean;
                lamports?: bigint;
                owner?: string;
                rentEpoch?: string;

            The account after the transaction

            • Optional data?: Uint8Array
            • Optional executable?: boolean
            • Optional lamports?: bigint
            • Optional owner?: string
            • Optional rentEpoch?: string

              We tried to send this as uint64, but for all rent excempt accounts we end up with -1 since proto doesn't really support uint64.

          • Optional afterAccountType?: string

            The account type after the transaction. Only present if we were able to parse the account data.

          • Optional afterJson?: string

            The parsed representation of the account data after the transaction encoded into a JSON string. Only present if we were able to parse the account data

          • Optional before?: {
                data?: Uint8Array;
                executable?: boolean;
                lamports?: bigint;
                owner?: string;
                rentEpoch?: string;

            The account before the transaction, only present if the account existed before the transaction.

            • Optional data?: Uint8Array
            • Optional executable?: boolean
            • Optional lamports?: bigint
            • Optional owner?: string
            • Optional rentEpoch?: string

              We tried to send this as uint64, but for all rent excempt accounts we end up with -1 since proto doesn't really support uint64.

          • Optional beforeAccountType?: string

            The account type before the transaction. Only present if the account existed before the transaction and we were able to parse the account data.

          • Optional beforeJson?: string

            The parsed representation of the account data before the transaction encoded into a JSON string. Only present if the account existed before the transaction and we were able to parse the account data.

          • Optional diff?: {
                dataBytes?: {
                    after?: {
                        bool?: boolean;
                        bytes?: Uint8Array;
                        string?: string;
                        uint32?: number;
                        uint64?: bigint;
                    before?: {
                        bool?: boolean;
                        bytes?: Uint8Array;
                        string?: string;
                        uint32?: number;
                        uint64?: bigint;
                    kind?: ComparedKind;
                executable?: {
                    after?: {
                        bool?: boolean;
                        bytes?: Uint8Array;
                        string?: string;
                        uint32?: number;
                        uint64?: bigint;
                    before?: {
                        bool?: boolean;
                        bytes?: Uint8Array;
                        string?: string;
                        uint32?: number;
                        uint64?: bigint;
                    kind?: ComparedKind;
                lamports?: {
                    after?: {
                        bool?: boolean;
                        bytes?: Uint8Array;
                        string?: string;
                        uint32?: number;
                        uint64?: bigint;
                    before?: {
                        bool?: boolean;
                        bytes?: Uint8Array;
                        string?: string;
                        uint32?: number;
                        uint64?: bigint;
                    kind?: ComparedKind;
                owner?: {
                    after?: {
                        bool?: boolean;
                        bytes?: Uint8Array;
                        string?: string;
                        uint32?: number;
                        uint64?: bigint;
                    before?: {
                        bool?: boolean;
                        bytes?: Uint8Array;
                        string?: string;
                        uint32?: number;
                        uint64?: bigint;
                    kind?: ComparedKind;
                rentEpoch?: {
                    after?: {
                        bool?: boolean;
                        bytes?: Uint8Array;
                        string?: string;
                        uint32?: number;
                        uint64?: bigint;
                    before?: {
                        bool?: boolean;
                        bytes?: Uint8Array;
                        string?: string;
                        uint32?: number;
                        uint64?: bigint;
                    kind?: ComparedKind;

            The account diff, only present if the account existed before the transaction

            • Optional dataBytes?: {
                  after?: {
                      bool?: boolean;
                      bytes?: Uint8Array;
                      string?: string;
                      uint32?: number;
                      uint64?: bigint;
                  before?: {
                      bool?: boolean;
                      bytes?: Uint8Array;
                      string?: string;
                      uint32?: number;
                      uint64?: bigint;
                  kind?: ComparedKind;

              Diff of the data bytes held in this account.

            • Optional executable?: {
                  after?: {
                      bool?: boolean;
                      bytes?: Uint8Array;
                      string?: string;
                      uint32?: number;
                      uint64?: bigint;
                  before?: {
                      bool?: boolean;
                      bytes?: Uint8Array;
                      string?: string;
                      uint32?: number;
                      uint64?: bigint;
                  kind?: ComparedKind;

              This account's data contains a loaded program.

              • Optional after?: {
                    bool?: boolean;
                    bytes?: Uint8Array;
                    string?: string;
                    uint32?: number;
                    uint64?: bigint;
                • Optional bool?: boolean
                • Optional bytes?: Uint8Array
                • Optional string?: string
                • Optional uint32?: number
                • Optional uint64?: bigint
              • Optional before?: {
                    bool?: boolean;
                    bytes?: Uint8Array;
                    string?: string;
                    uint32?: number;
                    uint64?: bigint;
                • Optional bool?: boolean
                • Optional bytes?: Uint8Array
                • Optional string?: string
                • Optional uint32?: number
                • Optional uint64?: bigint
              • Optional kind?: ComparedKind
            • Optional lamports?: {
                  after?: {
                      bool?: boolean;
                      bytes?: Uint8Array;
                      string?: string;
                      uint32?: number;
                      uint64?: bigint;
                  before?: {
                      bool?: boolean;
                      bytes?: Uint8Array;
                      string?: string;
                      uint32?: number;
                      uint64?: bigint;
                  kind?: ComparedKind;

              Diff of the lamports held by the account.

              • Optional after?: {
                    bool?: boolean;
                    bytes?: Uint8Array;
                    string?: string;
                    uint32?: number;
                    uint64?: bigint;
                • Optional bool?: boolean
                • Optional bytes?: Uint8Array
                • Optional string?: string
                • Optional uint32?: number
                • Optional uint64?: bigint
              • Optional before?: {
                    bool?: boolean;
                    bytes?: Uint8Array;
                    string?: string;
                    uint32?: number;
                    uint64?: bigint;
                • Optional bool?: boolean
                • Optional bytes?: Uint8Array
                • Optional string?: string
                • Optional uint32?: number
                • Optional uint64?: bigint
              • Optional kind?: ComparedKind
            • Optional owner?: {
                  after?: {
                      bool?: boolean;
                      bytes?: Uint8Array;
                      string?: string;
                      uint32?: number;
                      uint64?: bigint;
                  before?: {
                      bool?: boolean;
                      bytes?: Uint8Array;
                      string?: string;
                      uint32?: number;
                      uint64?: bigint;
                  kind?: ComparedKind;

              Diff of the Pubkey of the owner program account.

              • Optional after?: {
                    bool?: boolean;
                    bytes?: Uint8Array;
                    string?: string;
                    uint32?: number;
                    uint64?: bigint;
                • Optional bool?: boolean
                • Optional bytes?: Uint8Array
                • Optional string?: string
                • Optional uint32?: number
                • Optional uint64?: bigint
              • Optional before?: {
                    bool?: boolean;
                    bytes?: Uint8Array;
                    string?: string;
                    uint32?: number;
                    uint64?: bigint;
                • Optional bool?: boolean
                • Optional bytes?: Uint8Array
                • Optional string?: string
                • Optional uint32?: number
                • Optional uint64?: bigint
              • Optional kind?: ComparedKind
            • Optional rentEpoch?: {
                  after?: {
                      bool?: boolean;
                      bytes?: Uint8Array;
                      string?: string;
                      uint32?: number;
                      uint64?: bigint;
                  before?: {
                      bool?: boolean;
                      bytes?: Uint8Array;
                      string?: string;
                      uint32?: number;
                      uint64?: bigint;
                  kind?: ComparedKind;

              Diff of the epoch at which this account will next owe rent.

              • Optional after?: {
                    bool?: boolean;
                    bytes?: Uint8Array;
                    string?: string;
                    uint32?: number;
                    uint64?: bigint;
                • Optional bool?: boolean
                • Optional bytes?: Uint8Array
                • Optional string?: string
                • Optional uint32?: number
                • Optional uint64?: bigint
              • Optional before?: {
                    bool?: boolean;
                    bytes?: Uint8Array;
                    string?: string;
                    uint32?: number;
                    uint64?: bigint;
                • Optional bool?: boolean
                • Optional bytes?: Uint8Array
                • Optional string?: string
                • Optional uint32?: number
                • Optional uint64?: bigint
              • Optional kind?: ComparedKind
          • Optional pubkey?: string

            The Pubkey for the account.

          • Optional slot?: bigint

            The slot number when this update was emitted.

          • Optional txnSignature?: string

            First signature of the transaction that caused this account modification

          • Optional writeVersion?: bigint

            A global monotonically increasing atomic number, which can be used to tell the order of the account update. For example, when an account is updated in the same slot multiple times, the update with higher write_version should supersede the one with lower write_version.

        • Optional error?: string

      Returns StoreGetDiffedAccountUpdateResponse

  • toJSON:function

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