RpcTransactionUpdate: {
    create(base?): RpcTransactionUpdate;
    decode(input, length?): RpcTransactionUpdate;
    encode(message, writer?): Writer;
    fromJSON(object): RpcTransactionUpdate;
    fromPartial(object): RpcTransactionUpdate;
    toJSON(message): unknown;

Type declaration

  • create:function
    • Parameters

      • Optional base: {
            accounts?: {
                isFeePayer?: boolean;
                isProgram?: boolean;
                isSigner?: boolean;
                isWritable?: boolean;
                label?: string;
                postBalance?: bigint;
                preBalance?: bigint;
                pubkey?: string;
                transactionIdx?: number;
            computeUnitsConsumed?: bigint;
            error?: string;
            index?: bigint;
            label?: string;
            numInstructions?: number;
            programId?: string;
            signature?: string;
            slot?: bigint;
        • Optional accounts?: {
              isFeePayer?: boolean;
              isProgram?: boolean;
              isSigner?: boolean;
              isWritable?: boolean;
              label?: string;
              postBalance?: bigint;
              preBalance?: bigint;
              pubkey?: string;
              transactionIdx?: number;

          / All accounts used in this transaction

        • Optional computeUnitsConsumed?: bigint

          How many compute units were consumed by the transaction

        • Optional error?: string


        • Optional index?: bigint

          The transaction's index in the block

        • Optional label?: string

          The label for the transaction (optional), is preferred over signature in parts of the UI

        • Optional numInstructions?: number

          Number of instructions

        • Optional programId?: string

          / The programs used in this transaction

        • Optional signature?: string

          The first signature of the transaction in base64, used for identifying the transaction.

        • Optional slot?: bigint

          The slot at which the transaction udpate occurred

      Returns RpcTransactionUpdate

  • decode:function
    • Parameters

      • input: Uint8Array | Reader
      • Optional length: number

      Returns RpcTransactionUpdate

  • encode:function
    • Parameters

      Returns Writer

  • fromJSON:function
  • fromPartial:function
    • Parameters

      • object: {
            accounts?: {
                isFeePayer?: boolean;
                isProgram?: boolean;
                isSigner?: boolean;
                isWritable?: boolean;
                label?: string;
                postBalance?: bigint;
                preBalance?: bigint;
                pubkey?: string;
                transactionIdx?: number;
            computeUnitsConsumed?: bigint;
            error?: string;
            index?: bigint;
            label?: string;
            numInstructions?: number;
            programId?: string;
            signature?: string;
            slot?: bigint;
        • Optional accounts?: {
              isFeePayer?: boolean;
              isProgram?: boolean;
              isSigner?: boolean;
              isWritable?: boolean;
              label?: string;
              postBalance?: bigint;
              preBalance?: bigint;
              pubkey?: string;
              transactionIdx?: number;

          / All accounts used in this transaction

        • Optional computeUnitsConsumed?: bigint

          How many compute units were consumed by the transaction

        • Optional error?: string


        • Optional index?: bigint

          The transaction's index in the block

        • Optional label?: string

          The label for the transaction (optional), is preferred over signature in parts of the UI

        • Optional numInstructions?: number

          Number of instructions

        • Optional programId?: string

          / The programs used in this transaction

        • Optional signature?: string

          The first signature of the transaction in base64, used for identifying the transaction.

        • Optional slot?: bigint

          The slot at which the transaction udpate occurred

      Returns RpcTransactionUpdate

  • toJSON:function
    • Parameters

      Returns unknown

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